Polio is a serious disease that needs brought back and prevented.

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Polio is a serious disease that needs brought back and prevented.

Polio infection is caused by the polio virus. Which belongs to the human enterovirus family. It is an acute infection that spreads easily. People who are infected ufabet https://ufabet999.app with polio may not have any symptoms, but in some cases. It can cause disability or death because this virus tends to attack the nervous system.

What is Poliomyelitis?

Poliomyelitis in nothing but the scientific term or synonym of the disease Polio. In very rare cases it causes muscle weakness resulting in an inability to move or paralysis. Poliovirus can spread from person to person or by food or water containing human and less commonly from infected saliva.

Poliovirus can easily spread from person to person, and is usually transmitted through the following causes:

1. Contact with objects contaminated with feces. The virus in the feces of an infected person can survive for several weeks.

2. From large droplets produced by phlegm or saliva through coughing or sneezing , then passed through hands or objects and then touched the mouth.


The disease can diagnose base on symptoms, signs and risk history. Blood, stool, sputum, throat swab and spinal tap tests are also important in diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The virus can spread from person to person up to 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms.

At present, Thailand has not yet had a clear outbreak, but there are a large number of people traveling in and out of the country. In addition, during the rainy season, there is heavy rain and flooding, which may cause contamination from garbage and waste. Therefore, you should be careful by:

● Eating cook and clean food and drinking water
● Maintain personal hygiene, clean your skin and wash your hands frequently and properly, especially after using the bathroom
● Clean public surfaces
● If you are in a crowded place or have someone coughing or sneezing, wearing a mask can still help reduce infection through droplets
● Dispose of garbage and waste properly and completely
● If you have symptoms, signs, or a history of risk. That you suspect you infect with polio, see a doctor or medical personnel for diagnosis.