Walk for just 2 minutes after a meal to reduce your risk of diabetes.

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Walk for just 2 minutes after a meal to reduce your risk diabetes.

This is a research result. That brought to report a summary by comparing behavior between sitting, standing or walking after eating which affect the heart and blood sugar levels. It was discovered that the benefit of walking after eating can help reduce blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin for use, or better known as insulin resistance, which most people have this type of diabetes.

Not only walking, but standing can also help reduce blood sugar levels.

Although not as much as walking. Because walking is a movement of different parts of the body, including different muscles. And if you walk within 60-90 minutes after eating, it will be even more effective.

In addition, the benefits of walking, even for สมัคร ufabet a short. While while working, if you can, you should do it, such as just walking to make coffee. For those who work from home, there is a recommendation to get up and walk sometimes, even during online meetings or after lunch. Walking frequently helps improve health.

For how each minute of walking affects the body, information from the Health Promotion Foundation or summarizes that walking for the first 1-5 minutes, the first 2-3 steps will stimulate the release of chemicals that create energy within the cells to fuel walking.

The body will start to pull out the accumulated carbohydrates and fats for use. The pulse will increase to 70-100 beats per minute, stimulating blood circulation and warming the muscles. Stiff and tight joints will relax because the joints will release lubricating fluid to make movement easier. When you move, the body will burn 5 calories per minute, compared to when you rest. Which will burn only 1 calorie per minute.

Of course, if you walk longer, from the 6th to the 10th minute. Your heart rate increases, your body burns up to 6 calories per minute. Then from the 11th to the 20th minute, your body temperature increases, burning up to 7 calories per minute. And from the 21st to the 45th minute, more fat is burned