What are superfoods?

There is no scientifically-approved definition for superfoods. Food gets labelled as ‘superfood’. When claims are made. That it provides multiple health benefits simultaneously or helps prevent a disease.
Superfoods became popular in the early 20th century whenthe United Fruit Company used the term as a marketing strategy. The company actively marketed the health benefits of bananas. They encouraged people to include these fruits in their daily diet on the basis. That they were cheap, easily available, nutritious, easily digestible. Can consume in both cook and uncooked forms.
Afterward, the idea that a banana is a superfood became more popular when physicians started using the fruit to treat serious health conditions, such as celiac disease and diabetes. The American Medical Association also endorsed bananas as a daily consumable food.
Research indicates that when a food item is labele as a superfood. This translates into super sales. This raises the question as to whether these superfoods really do provide optimal nutritional benefit rather than a label used as a sale booster by the food industry.
How to enrich our daily diet with superfoods?
While choosing the best nutrients for diet, it is always important to remember that no single food is enough to provide all essential nutrients required for healthy living. Too much focus on superfoods can mislead a person and divert his/her attention from other healthy foods that are more enriched nutritionally.
According to the US Dietary Guidelines (2015 – 2020), for สมัคร ufabet a healthy eating pattern, one should include in diet essential nutrients from a variety of food groups, while paying attention to calorie intake limits. Certain dietary patterns including Mediterranean diet have shown significant health benefits in terms of reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Although most of the superfoods are over-hype, certain food items must be acknowledge separately for their immense health benefits and nutritional values. Following is the list of foods that offer these benefits:
Berries – are high in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and disease-fighting nutrients.
Fish – is a good source of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for a healthy heart.
Green leafy vegetables – contain high amounts of dietary fibers, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and bioactive phytochemicals.