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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How justified is the term superfood?

How justified is the term superfood? Several studies have evaluated the health benefits of superfoods. Bioactive peptides present in different food crops, such as Maize, common Bean, Amaranth, Quinoa and Chia seeds, are known to have a wide range of properties, including antihypertensive, anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatory,

What are superfoods?

What are superfoods? There is no scientifically-approved definition for superfoods.  Food gets labelled as ‘superfood’. When claims are made. That it provides multiple health benefits simultaneously or helps prevent a disease. Superfoods became popular  in the early 20th century whenthe United Fruit Company used the term

Treatment of cervical cancer

Treatment of cervical cancer When diagnosed at an early stage, surgery is a possible method of treating cervical cancer successfully. Sometimes, just the cervix is remove, and in many cases, the complete womb is remove. This is call hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is usually opte for by

Is it dangerous to have bloody vaginal discharge?

Is it dangerous to have bloody vaginal discharge? Do I need to see a doctor? Vaginal discharge is a fluid produce by the body in the vagina to help lubricate and prevent infection in the vagina. Normal vaginal discharge is white or clear, odorless, and non-itchy. 

Reveal brighter skin with Tamarind Scrub

Reveal brighter skin with Tamarind Scrub Scrubbing the skin is another important step in skincare. That helps cleanse the pores to prevent clogging, remove dead skin cells, and open up the skin to prepare for the next step of nourishment. In addition, scrubbing also makes the

Polio is a serious disease that needs brought back and prevented.

Polio is a serious disease that needs brought back and prevented. Polio infection is caused by the polio virus. Which belongs to the human enterovirus family. It is an acute infection that spreads easily. People who are infected ufabet with polio may not have any

Alzheimer’s Disease and 3 stages of symptoms that need monitor

Alzheimer’s Disease and 3 stages of symptoms that need to be monitor Degenerative brain disease that causes significant memory loss and impairs a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks. Scientists have not found a cure for the disease, and experts continue to research. What